About webhooks

Webhooks are useful for services that want to execute code after a specific event occurs. For example, after a reviewer leaves a review.



To enable webhook compatibility, please contact your Yotpo representative for assistance.

Webhook events

Yotpo allows you to configure a webhook to execute whenever a new review is created or an existing review is updated.

Webhook Event NameTrigger
review_createTriggered when a new review is created in the Yotpo system.
review_updatedTriggered in these scenarios:

Review is published
Review is unpublished (rejected)
Review is escalated
(For reviews created in the PDP Reviews Widget) Email is verified by the customer and the reviewer badge changes from anonymous to 'verified reviewer'

Not triggered in these scenarios:

Image is published / unpublished
Review is tagged
Review is pushed to a social channel
Review is anonymized as a result of a DSR (GDPR)
Review is deleted by Yotpo support (to fix import or another technical issue)

Webhook object structure

Once you've successfully created a webhook, objects are returned according to the event_name created. Webhook events could bereview_create or review_updated and are structured as shown in the examples below:

  "event": "review_create",
  "data": {
    "id": 219,
    "source_app_key": "",
    "title": "Review Title",
    "reviewer_display_name": "Reviewer Display Name",
    "content": "Review Content",
    "user_id": 209,
    "score": 5,
    "deleted": false,
    "app_key": "StmYvzud6bHLtosn5k5DoGoA7M0kghzjMdH25DST",
    "created_at": "2024-02-20T21:31:13.000Z",
    "updated_at": "2024-02-20T21:31:13.000Z",
    "new": true,
    "user_type": "AnonymousUser",
    "verified_buyer": false,
    "archived": false,
    "shop_owner": false,
    "twitter_pushed": 0,
    "facebook_pushed": 0,
    "review_source_type_id": 1,
    "votes_up": 0,
    "votes_down": 0,
    "review_type_id": 1,
    "source_review_id": null,
    "sentiment": "",
    "escalated": false,
    "customer_email": "example@yotpo.com",
    "order_id": 123,
    "external_order_id": "123",
    "external_product_id": "102030"
  "event": "review_updated",
  "data": {
    "id": "219",
    "source_app_key": "",
    "title": "Review Title",
    "content": "Review Content",
    "user_id": "209",
    "score": "5",
    "deleted": "false",
    "app_key": "StmYvzud6bHLtosn5k5DoGoA7M0kghzjMdH25DST",
    "created_at": "2018-02-20 14:12:13 UTC",
    "updated_at": "2018-02-20 14:12:13 UTC",
    "new": "true",
    "user_type": "AnonymousUser",
    "verified_buyer": "false",
    "archived": "false",
    "shop_owner": "false",
    "twitter_pushed": "0",
    "facebook_pushed": "0",
    "review_source_type_id": "1",
    "votes_up": "0",
    "votes_down": "0",
    "review_type_id": "1",
    "source_review_id": "",
    "sentiment": ""



You can only create one of each type of webhook.