About SEO

Rich snippets are extra pieces of information which are shown within Google search results to provide more information to the person running the search.

The Yotpo API lets you do the following with the Rich Snippets and SEO resources. More detailed versions of these general actions may be available:

SEO endpoints

Retrieve bottom line (total reviews and average score) for all products/apps/:app_key/bottom_lines?utoken=:utoken&since_date=:since_date&since_id=:since_id
Retrieve bottom line (total reviews and average score) for a specific product/products/:app_key/:product_id/bottomline?callback=:callback

What is In-Line SEO?

It is possible to use the Yotpo API to store all the reviews directly on the product pages, in in-line SEO. This is the best and most organic way to increase SEO.

What can you do with in-line SEO?

The Yotpo API lets you do the following with the in-line SEO and SEO resources. More detailed versions of these general actions may be available:
