About reviews (merchant)

Reviews are the core content generated using Yotpo. Yotpo helps generate reviews that can later be displayed on the store's site and published on social networks. Merchant review endpoints are designed to be used when creating reviews programatically and to retrieve review information for reporting purposes.

Reviews (Merchant) endpoints

Create reviewCreate reviews. This call is recommend for general use. Use this call to create reviews as an anonymous reviewer. Creating reviews using this method will send review verification emails to all the customers you've created reviews for.
Create review (synchronous)Create reviews (synchronous).
Note: This method is recommended for development only.
Retrieve all reviewsRetrieve all reviews.
Retrieve a review by review IDRetrieve a Review by Review ID.
Retrieve reviews for a user using external user reference IDRetrieve reviews for a user using external user reference ID
Note: This endpoint requires a Yotpo premium plan.
Retrieve bottom line (total reviews and average score) for a specific productRetrieve bottom line (total reviews and average score) for a specific product.
Retrieve bottom Line (total reviews and average score) for all productsRetrieve bottom tine (total reviews and average score) for all products.
Note: Product grouping and/or syndication may result in two bottom line scores for each product. In such cases, the first score represents the grouping/syndication score and the second one represents the organic score.
Retrieve bottom line (total reviews and average score) for all site reviewsRetrieve bottom line (total reviews and average score) for all site reviews.